19 June 2012

poetry from the kids

Today, my kids decided to write some poetry.  They blow me away when they decide to do stuff like this and I have to wonder who they are channeling LOL

So, they asked me to share it.

Nienna wrote a few pieces on war.  They have been talking about history a lot lately and in particular the Black Wars.  Their dad has been reading some Inga Clenniden and Henry Reynolds to them as they wanted to know more about the real Australian history.

War my Way 

they were getting food
two bangs
no sound
another two bangs
one came back

I am six
Mum said hide
I heard footsteps, the door slammed
I heard mum say there's noone else here.
She lied.
They took her, I heard the door open and close.
I am alone

by Nienna Fontana (age 8)

Beren is in a more light hearted mood today :)

About me

Me, me I am me
I like to do tennis and I like to do Wii
I like watching telly and I like to ride bikes, I like Final Fantasy, I like candy crush
I like to play sims it is pretty cool
I like bubble witch it is fun to me.
But last of all I really like to read.

by Beren Fontana (age 9)


Catherine Rodie said...

What amazingly talented kids you have! I can't wait till I get to that stage with my two :-)

Samala said...

they are so sweet! Nienna's are intense, she's really deepening her understanding around war isn't she - they sound like something that Nella would write in a couple of years (ie. exploring dark, tragic themes)
I love Beren's! So many 'I likes' in the one playful poem! Sometimes I play a game with the girls in the car where we go around each singing 'I love'..and then whatever you wish to sing. Its awesome :-) and reminds me of Beren's poem.

EssentiallyJess said...

Some budding poets you have there! Love the different styles. I used to love experimenting with writing styles as a kid.

Thanks for linking :)