07 June 2012

thankful thursday

Joining Kate who is not only awesome but knows awesome people.  I too am thankful for awesome people and for still sometimes being able to drag up some inner awesome myself at times.

She asks for three awesome things about me and three friends.

I am awesome

1. because I have defeated the odd and urges and stayed alive for 44 and a bit years
2. because I try.  I may not succeed but I will always try.
3.because I care, lots, about my kids, my friends and acquaintances.

Three people who I think are awesome at this very moment

1. Well I have to say Kate, her strength, clarity and courage in meeting the challenges she has had the last couple of years amaze me :)

2.  Stephanie Neilson who despite receiving 80+% burns to her body defied the odds and lived, lives and birthed her fifth child this year. She manages to remains positive despite ongoing pain and challenges.

3. My friend Bel, she has raised and home educated six awesome kids.  She lives a free range life on land with an awesome garden and animals and I gain inspiration from her often.


Kate said...

Oh Kelli thankyou <3

And you ARE awesome. You're an amazing and determined woman.


Me said...

Thanks for taking part in TT with Kate - I love finding new blogs.
Have the best Friday ever !

MostWhatMatters said...

I am your newest follower! I loved your awesomeness and wished I followed that theme today in my Thankful Thursday post. Check it out if you have time @ http:mostwhatmatters.blogspot.com. Can't wait to hear more!