14 June 2012

Thankful Thursday.

It is funny cos today I kept thinking that it was Thankful Thursday day with Kate and I would have to remember to write a post for it. I knew all day what I was thankful for.
I had lunch today with a girl I went to school with.  Now secondary school was a negative experience for me for many reasons and Miss Jane and I weren't really great friends at school or anything but we have crossed paths on facebook (as you do) and have hit it off.  today was a lovely day, we lunched and laughed over a year book.  So, today I am thankful for the technology of the interwebs.  that is all.

with Kate

1 comment:

tankgirl said...

And I am thankful we have reconnected...and found that we have more than high school to share! Looking forward to lots more time with you, and your lovely wee ones. :)