29 June 2012

Why do they need asylum

The Hoopla as a great little article concerning the documentary below.

ABC and SBS both refuse to show this film.
Perhaps if everyone who has a heart contacted them to ask why they might rethink their decision??
I know we have room and I know we should be letting in ALL people in need of refuge.


bachelormum said...

It's so heartwrenching to know when these people get to Indonesia they hit a stalemate. The origins of our modern society is based on people coming here ... by boat. It's plain hypocracy not to welcome them. We are all human.

bachelormum said...

It's so heartwrenching to know when these people get to Indonesia they hit a stalemate. The origins of our modern society is based on people coming here ... by boat. It's plain hypocracy not to welcome them. We are all human.

Kebeni said...

constant talk as though they are discussing livestock and forgetting there are actual people out there losing lives

Dorothy @ Singular Insanity said...

I was watching some of the discussion yesterday on TV. It seems so much talking going on and so little action. There is just so much media drivel out there about this issue, no real objective reporting. No wonder traditional media is dying.

Thank you for linking up this week :-)

Carmen J said...

We always need to have hope hon. xx

Kebeni said...

I feel this is almost a hopeless situation at times

Kebeni said...

if you are desperate enough to risk life just to get here then life over there must be worse!

Kebeni said...

thank you Grace. It is heartbreaking that in such a big country we can't spare a tiny bit of space

Grace said...

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It is so frustrating that the government are just doing nothing...Save the tears and just save these people! Just shared this on Twitter...

Tracey @ Bliss Amongst Chaos said...

Just heartbreaking. You can certainly understand why they would want to come here.....these people are desperate!
Their stories need to be heard. People need to understand why taking the risk of coming by boat is a lesser evil to these people than staying where they are. Australians need to understand.

Carmen J said...

Amen hon. We live in hope.