20 July 2012

Social media excitement AKA the morning Sam Neil woke me up

Following celebrities isn't a new thing, we have done it for decades via newsprint media, television and radio.  Yet, this is third party stalking following, in that someone else is telling us this is what XXX thinks or does.  We can never be sure that it is genuine reporting.

Now with twitter (more so than facebook) we have access to these people and we can interact with them.  We are essentially one step closer to that window looking into their lives.  Is it anymore real?  I guess it depends who you follow and that depends on who you consider a celebrity.  My thinking is that the 'bigger' the  'star' the less likely this TWEEP is real and more chance it is some poorly paid assistant churning out the trash to delight and amuse and promote their boss.
To me this is a very "Look at me! Look at me!"  attitude (shamelessy stolen from Kath and Kim).  Am I interested, nup!

What 'celebs' do I follow?  Well, being an older tweep I find my tastes have changed somewhat from when I was younger and dare I say it 'sillier'.
Disclaimer:  this excludes Ewan McGregor ( @mcgregor_ewan add me dude!!)

I find myself firstly attracted to those who I 'know' , such as those I grew up with and laughed a shared a  joke with or who moved me in some way.  If they support a cause that I do then that grabs me. 
Corrine Grant and Wendy Harmer are two of these people.  I first heard Corrine speak at a 'stop the war' rally in Melbourne almost ten years ago.  Who knew she could be so serious and vocal!  I instantly fell in love with her for speaking out with such passion!
Wendy, well she has made me laugh for so many years on screen and radio and now I get to read both their  words at The Hoopla.
Others such as Richard Fidler, who does THE BEST interviews and Stephen Fry are welcome in my home. Not just via twitter but via podcasts and audiobooks.  
These are people who I can relate to not only because we have a long history but because they speak my language.  They believe in things I believe in, they have a voice and they are genuine.  They are welcome in my home.  Others make me laugh heartily and that is so very essential in life!

And that is what it is all about.  Twitter has taken us from looking in a window at these people and turned it around.  We now have invited them into our homes to sit and chat.  It is more personal.  If Wendy asks what to cook for dinner we answer her or if Myf asks us to 'like' her dad's art page on facebook we flock there in well, flocks to help her out. 

So, what is it that is so titillating about tweeting with the 'famous'.  I can't answer this.  I am trying to work it out myself.  These people have answered my tweets at times and I feel a thrill. I admit it!  It is an OMG! moment that I am sure I am not alone in experiencing.  

Imagine my thrill then  when my phone alert goes off at ungodly o'clock and I roll over and grab it off the bed side table.  Half cursing and half worried.  Slide the lock and do some squint eye aerobics as I try to adjust focus enough to see what it says.  

SAM NEIL has added you on TWITTER

What bought this sudden rise in fame for me you ask?  You did ask didn't you?  

I commented on a tweet from Tony Martin to Sam Neill who I both follow.  That is all.........

Ahhh, the little pleasures in life.  

Do you follow any celebs?  Do you get excited if they tweet you or are you just hanging out to see your tweet on Q&A one day??


Tracey @ Bliss Amongst Chaos said...

I'm hopeless at Twitter.
I think it just moves a little bit too fast for me at times, and I've got no clue as to what most of the 'short cuts' mean.
If it wasn't for my blog, I wouldn't have a Twitter account at all.
I keep promising myself that I'm going to study it properly one day, but that day hasn't come, yet :)

Jamie Redmond said...

I love Sam Neill. I watched Evil Angels on youtube only last week.

Me N my Monkeys said...

It's amazing the interaction you can make via social media!

I still don't get the whole twitter thing. I use Twitter but i'd much prefer Facebook. :)

carmen@musingnmayhem said...

Funny how we still squee and get all excited when we get a tweet from someone celeb! Mine was Kate Miller-Heidke one afternoon! But I swear you're following all the same people I am! LOL!

Kebeni said...

we probably are as we tend to be in similar circles don't we :)

Kebeni said...

it took me a while to get the twitter thing but I like it. I tend to use FB for games

Kebeni said...

yes! I am glad no one has asked who he is yet LOL

Kebeni said...

it does move fast doesn't it but I dont stress. Sometimes it is like walking in a room mid conversation

Jayne G said...

I love Wendy Harmer. Partly because I was a huge fan of the Big Gig, but also because the Australian Story episode on her life growing up with a cleft lip and palate was the first thing I saw after going home from hospital with a daughter born with a cleft palate. It helped a lot. She has even tweeted me-though sadly, doesn't follow ;( I have had tweets from John Birmingham (who does follow me!) and Clare Bowditch, which were both bog thrills. I'm not too interested in most 'celebrities' though and don't follow anyone really big.

Grace said...

I sent a tweet to Keith Urban asking if he could put me out of my misery and actually give my husband a personal guitar tutorial. Still awaiting response:)

Trish said...

Score , I 've always like Sam Neill - no I've never been much of a celebrity follower.

Samala said...

its funny, that thrill at someone you know is a regular person that happens to be a celebrity of some description for sure! I tend to get either a) speechless or b) gushing around anyone remotely famous, so I now just tend to steer clear of those situations! I can see how twitter is a whole different ball game, and being a non user, your post has allowed me to understand it's uses a bit more. I love Wendy Harmer! Has Nienna been through a Pearlie the Park Fairy phase? We love her here!

Dorothy @ Singular Insanity said...

I didn't know Sam Neil was a wine producer.

I don't follow many celebrities, unless they have something intelligent to say, like Corinne and Wendy. Some annoy me stupid, even though I thought that they might be funny and/or cool, so I have unfollowed most of them.

My biggest thrill is when one of the blogging super heroes starts to follow me and/or actually responds to my tweets.

Yes, I'm a bloggy geek:-)

Thanks for linking up with Things I Know :-)

carmen@musingnmayhem said...

How many years is this going on? LOL!

Kebeni said...

how many years is what going on???

carmen@musingnmayhem said...

LOL! Following each other around. ;)