03 August 2012

It's Breast feeding week around the world!

When I was pregnant with Beren I was adamant that I would only breastfeed (under sufferance) for six weeks at the most!  
That didn't quite pan out as planned as he ended up self weaning at 18 months when I was pregnant with his sister.  
She self weaned at just over two years.
Breast feeding my children was one of the things only I could do, I was giving sustenance and health to my children and when I was feeling at my very lowest due to severe depression and anxiety it was one thing I could do without effort.  The first few weeks were difficult but I was extremely lucky that I had help and support and made it through the tough times to enjoy a successful breastfeeding journey.

In honour of that wonderful gift we women possess I am having a give away!  

I found a spare copy of the beautiful book by artist Chrissy Butler called 

The Wonderful Place

This book has the most gorgeous illustrations depicting the wonderful place that is in the arms of a babie's mama whilst breast feeding.

Chrissy has self published this book and her first book, My Brother Jimi Jazz (a home birth journey through the eyes of a big sister).   This book is also printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper.

To enter simply leave a comment and tell me what did you like best about feeding your baby!
A winner will be drawn at random on Friday 17th August 2012.


This is an unsponsored post, as the book was a left over from previous store stock.


Lisa Seddon said...

You are so lucky that you got to breastfeed for so long! I'm really jealous! I have had such a horrible and difficult struggle with breastfeeding my new baby and its absolutely broken my heart... I'm learning to accept that these things can't be planned out in advance but its certainly been a huge struggle!

CassandraHodges said...

What a lovely book! I'm still breastfeeding my 16 month old... actually, I'm typing this one handed as she's just jumped up for a feed right now :) I love that my magic Mumma's milk can fix almost anything... tiredness, crankiness and all the hurties! x

bachelormum said...

I used to put my daughter in the bjorn and i'd do the shopping, go to the cafe ... do just about anything while she suckled. Nobody knew except when she made her little suckling noises, it was so cute. I really love the illos on this book - so gorgeous. PS. I love what your site is about, well done. x

Carmen J said...

Just love to you hon! I love these posts! Happy BFW!! xxx

simply.belinda said...

Personally I love the fact that after 3 months of fighting to get there, with a lot of support and help, we succeeded. I love the fact that during that time we touch base with each other and reconnect no matter how hectic the day. Love the fact that even when he's full of the distractions it's important enough for him to remember and come back to even if it wasn't important enough in the moment to stay focused :-)

Kind Regards

Grace said...

I loved breast-feeding my twins - it was like this special triangle we had going on. Then we would all fall asleep together, them on the breastfeeding pillow and me upright on the couch. Fond memories.

Trish said...

I loved breast feeding my twins for the same reasons as Grace and it was a great comfort to me to nurture them and watch them grow because of my milk. I breastfed for over 4 years till I had to force them to wean.;-)

Catherine CupOfTea said...

I'm really enjoying all the breastfeeding posts this week! Lovely to read such positive experiences which are echoed in the comments too. Just lovely x

Dorothy @ Singular Insanity said...

Not entering, just wanted to say that I could only manage four months with each boy. The second one self-weaned!

Thanks for linking up with Things I Know1

Lauren Manners said...

My favorite thing about breastfeeding is tandem feeding my girls, who are three years apart (now six and three and both still going, though the six yo hardly feeds anymore) and watch the way that helped THEM bond. Watching them hold hands and play with each other while they feed, or my older daughter cuddling the younger or nursing her body. Something very special that has bought them closer as sisters :)

Rainbow JenJen said...

I love the relaxing hormones, especially after stressful interactions during meltdowns, like today. What am I going to do to relax after we're finished? 4yrs and going strong

rachelaparkinson said...

It is so hard to choose... currently feeding my 4th baby and loving every precious minute of it. Perhaps the beautiful caramel breast fed baby breath... no, it's the eyes looking into mine.... no... the cuddles as we snuggle up together..... See, told you I couldn't choose! Ten years of breastfeeding for me this week and still so much to love about it. Rachel x

rachelaparkinson said...

It is so hard to choose... currently feeding my 4th baby and loving every precious minute of it. Perhaps the beautiful caramel breast fed baby breath... no, it's the eyes looking into mine.... no... the cuddles as we snuggle up together..... See, told you I couldn't choose! Ten years of breastfeeding for me this week and still so much to love about it. Rachel x

Kebeni said...

Hi Grace, You are the winner on the competition. Please contact me so I can get your address.

Lizzie Lotus said...

Oh my gosh...what do I like best about feeding my baby...where to start...I would have to say everything... the loving looks into my eyes, the fact that my body can produce such nourishment for a human my body has produced, the giving of health and sustenance to another, the cuddles, the joy....everything!!!