02 October 2007

Two down, one to go

Assignments that is. I am happy to say that I have completed ALL (yes ALL, there were 4) assessment pieces for my placement at Yarrunga. One of them being a 20 min presentation due on Monday. I also have completed a Welfare orientated case study that is to be presented on Tuesday.

One more to finish off and that is the Child Poverty assignment but still have three weeks for that one.

I sign off for my placement on Thursday. Having done well over 600hrs towards a 225hr placement I am not sorry to be finished I can tell you.

However, out of the fire and into the frying pan I am about to start two more things. I was asked to go on the Committee of Management for Glen Park Community Centre and have accepted. I have also started the application process for volunteering at Connections "Starting Out" program and will co-facilitate a new mums program which I am looking forward too. I want to see what it is like before maybe approaching them about next years placement.

I am still working on the Mothers Living Well Project and will be doing some peer research with them in the coming weeks.

Good to be occupied!

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